Meet Seema, Founder of Love the Soul Yoga Studio

Hi I am Seema, and welcome to Love the Soul YOGA; the place to get kids and Adults fit, flexible and focused while having fun with yoga.

My Soulful Journey from Personal to Professional:

At the age of 7, I had a quest to know ‘Who am I’ and the Journey started. I was more into Bhakti Yoga, and I started performing my first Sadhana/Anusthans in Mantra Yoga at the age of 24. Experiencing the world in a different way, I performed lots of Sadhanas in the Himalayas Mountains and with every step I had more curiosity to experience the Ultimate Joy. I started my Journey of Asanas (part of Yoga) by taking official Teachers Training from Masters at Kaivalyadhama (the University of Yoga, with many limbs). At the same time, I started taking teachers training at the Yoga Association of Alberta(YAA). I am a Yoga Instructor with the desire to motivate and connect with Kids and Adults of all ages to spread love and awareness. A Happy Me and the Happy World is my AIM.

Core Qualifications:

  • 15 Years of Meditation Practice
  • 7 years of Yoga Practice
  • 6 years of Pranayama (Anulom Vilom, traditional Ujjayi, Bhastrika) practice
  • Kriyas Practitioner (Jal Neti, Sutra/rubber Neti, Vaman Dhauti, Kapalbhati)
  • Master in Eye gazing/Tratak Healing
  • Attended 4 days Yoga Therapy Workshops
  • Member of YAA
  • Safe Yoga Practices
  • Yoga Teacher Certification- RYT200
  • Kids Yoga Teacher Certification
  • Yoga Gym
  • Yoga Acrobatic
  • Certified Yoga Therapist
  • Charismatic and Motivational
  • Health & Wellness Counseling
  • Reiki, Pranic healing, Crystal Healing
  • Mantra Chanting

Love the soul YOGA is perfect for parents, teachers, and anyone who feels life is more than just basic living (Eat, Sleep, work and repeat). I am glad you are here, now let’s get started!

Contact me to book private or Group session: 780-884-4631 or [email protected]